Friday, January 3, 2014

Amazing thing

Something that happened to me that is amazing to me is me moving schools and would be me finding who am i through this move. I have had so many problems throughout my past and to finally realize who i am and what you stand for is so amazing.

When I first moved schools I wasn't so proud of it. I was actually kind of upset.

But when I got here things weren't as bad as I tried to make it seem.

I grew in a lot of ways. As in a mature way and just as a person.

This school wouldn't be first choice but I am making light of the situation. It would be stupid to not and hate high school.

I feel as if I can be myself. I think a lot has a lot to do with just within. I'm not really involved in a lot of school activities but I do, do a lot out of school.

My relationship with my family is so much better, almost better than it has ever been. My mom is happy about the move.

I love who I am becoming and that is one thing that I am proud of about this move. When I look back on life i can give all the props for making me move schools. And that is one thing that is so amazing to me.

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