Friday, January 3, 2014

60 minutes

The NSA is a secret agency. A lot of people think that the NSA listens to phone calls and collects everyones email says Keith who is in charge of the NSA.

The NSA only checks to see if a terrorist is going to attack. they are only defending America.

They have no value to listening to our phone calls or our emails. Meta data is a useful way for the NSA to see if a terriost attacks.

They are only trying to protect and defend America. If a terriost has any contact with someone in the United States thats when the NSA comes in.

The NSA is not listening to our conversations. The NSA can only see the time and how long the call is.

They are extra cautious because of 911. They have a logical reason why they have access to our phone calls.

If the NSA was protective as today 911 would have never happened.

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