Sunday, January 12, 2014

1 good 1 bad movie review- Tyler perry good deeds

 Good Report Tyler Perry Good Deeds-  There were about 50% of the people who really truley liked the movie. They said that the movie had a good theme to it.

They said that it was different from all the other movies Tyler perry's made. They also said that this one had a good meaning.

The characters were very passionate about their roles. And that that the people who played their roles went above and beyond in their roles.

They also said they likes how this movie was different and not all about drama but actually had a good moral to it so that all people could relate to it.

Some people said that they liked how Tyler Perry was in his own movie. It made the movie more instresting to them. And that Tyler perry can not only write movies but he can play in his own movies.

Bad Report Tyler Perry Good Deeds-  About 50% of the people disliked the movie because they thought that all Tyler Perry movies are the same. They also didn't like the whole moral to the story.

Some people couldnt connect to the movie and they felt like it was like one of his previous movies. Some didn't like how he played in his own movie.

A lot of people are really bad critics on Tyler Perry movies. Some people thought that the meaning of the movie could have been taken more serious.

They also thought that  characters weren't really passionate about there role, and could have been taken more serious.

I think Tyler Perry lost some of his fans when the mom took the child to work and put the child in the closet.
I think it could have been taken way more serious than it was.

1 good and 1 bad (movie review) Atl

Atl good review- I like this movie because there were famous people that are well known in the movie. Such as T.I, Lauren London, Big Boi and other well known music artists and well known actors.

When roller skating was popular it has a huge effect on the movie because it was the next big thing. That made a lot of people attract to the movie.

The people in the movie were attractive people witch drew peoples attention to the movie. More people had liked the movie rather than people dis liking it.

A lot of teenagers could relate to the movie. Especially during the time period when it came out.

More so people who lived in Atlanta or down in the south.

Atl bad review- Not a lot of people disliked the movie. But a lot of people were saying it was more going towards African American people.

And that it wasn't one of Christphers best movie and that they have seen better. Some were saying that the movie could has more of theme to it.

They also said that a lot of people could relate to it but was the moral meanigful. Everyone has different opinions on the movie.

Not very many people disliked the movie. But the main people who did disliked the movie was because there wasn't really a theme.

But everyone that i know personally likes the movie. And would recommend the movie to anyone who loves drama filled movies.


I met one of my closest friends from being here at Roosevelt. I never knew I could meet someone that had all the same intrest as me.

The same favorite color, the same eye color, the same foods. It's to weird.

But I am so glad I met her. "Your literally the only person, I trust."

When she told me that I felt like we both accomplished something big in life. There's nothing in this world that I wouldn't tell her.

I know that if something was wrong and I needed help she would be there for me. 

I can say that moving here was really good choice.


A teacher at University of Chicago had assinged a paper to his students. And a week later the students had to turn the paper in.

Zakaria turned in his paper to his professor. And when the professor realized that he has seen the work somewhere else but just wasn't for sure where.

The professor had another teacher look over the work. And then relaized that this student had plagerized. The professor was also a little iffy about excepting the students work because the student was a Native english speaker.

The called the student in. The student confessed to everything he had done.

The student was crying as he confessed to what he did. The professors felt sorry him because they knew how stressful the task was.

The student Zakaria told the professors that his wife was pregant and he was inches away from graduating and he decided to take the easy way out of the assignment.

So they denied his degree. They felt really bad but they couldn't have accepted that.

If they did they would basically be saying that it is okay to take other peoples work. And that's not what they wanted to known for.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Exit through the gift shop

I like the movie.  i thought is was very creative.

Terry took a lot of time to get these people noticed for their creativity. I never knew that people took street art so  seriously.

When Blansky called Terry and let him know that he could tape him while he was doing his arts on the street, and how Terry was excited.

That opened a door up for Terry. He took his work more serious.

What Terry did was opened up a door for people. His interest was in street art and his passion was to capture these people in action and thats exactly what he did.

I find street art kind of instructing now. They are very artistic people and they don't want to get known for it. And that's crazy to me.

They do all their work when no one pays attention. I find that very cool that they just do art for fun.

I wish they had more street art in Des Moines. I see some street art on trains sometimes but not as much as they did when it was in their town.

They are truly talented. I know everyone that seen this movie looks at street art differently. I personally like this movie and I would recommend this movie to anyone.

Friday, January 3, 2014

60 minutes

The NSA is a secret agency. A lot of people think that the NSA listens to phone calls and collects everyones email says Keith who is in charge of the NSA.

The NSA only checks to see if a terrorist is going to attack. they are only defending America.

They have no value to listening to our phone calls or our emails. Meta data is a useful way for the NSA to see if a terriost attacks.

They are only trying to protect and defend America. If a terriost has any contact with someone in the United States thats when the NSA comes in.

The NSA is not listening to our conversations. The NSA can only see the time and how long the call is.

They are extra cautious because of 911. They have a logical reason why they have access to our phone calls.

If the NSA was protective as today 911 would have never happened.

60 minutes

Nelson Mendula dies recently but he is such a great leader. He was put in jail for 27 years for no reason.

And he forgives those people that locked him. His heart is kind.

He had two daughters and he didn't get to see one of his daughters until she was 15. And he still forgave the people that treated him like crap.

Nelson Mendula had sent letters explaining that he had rights. And the people reminded him that he was a prisonior.

And Mendula still had a positive attitude. Nelson Mendula was shipped around from prison to prison.

When Nelson Mendula walked out of prison he walked with pride. He knew that the president was ran by racist white men.

And turned out that he ran for President. He didn't seek for revenge.

Partner Interview

My partner name is Taumyra. She likes to talk and read books.

Taumyra is a very open person and loves to interact with others. She loves make people smile. 

Taumyra favorite subject is spanish even though she doesn't understand very much of it. She loves how is sounds.

Taumyra is not involved in any after school activities but she loves to work out. She goes to the YMCA to work out down town.

She likes to hang out with her friends and loves to shop. She couldn't wait for winter break.

 She has a job and works at a nursing home. She loves working there because she communicates with older people with a lot of wisdom.

Taumya hates going outside because she doesn't like the smell. Taumyra loves walking on the treadmill at the YMCA its her favorite thing to do when she gets there.

Taumya loves cooking for her family. 

Amazing thing

Something that happened to me that is amazing to me is me moving schools and would be me finding who am i through this move. I have had so many problems throughout my past and to finally realize who i am and what you stand for is so amazing.

When I first moved schools I wasn't so proud of it. I was actually kind of upset.

But when I got here things weren't as bad as I tried to make it seem.

I grew in a lot of ways. As in a mature way and just as a person.

This school wouldn't be first choice but I am making light of the situation. It would be stupid to not and hate high school.

I feel as if I can be myself. I think a lot has a lot to do with just within. I'm not really involved in a lot of school activities but I do, do a lot out of school.

My relationship with my family is so much better, almost better than it has ever been. My mom is happy about the move.

I love who I am becoming and that is one thing that I am proud of about this move. When I look back on life i can give all the props for making me move schools. And that is one thing that is so amazing to me.